Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 3!

Well....I went to weigh in today...let me just start off by saying that Jeff's birthday was Wednesday and so last night I had some cheese fries and some cake! Not a big piece....just some cake...but having to weigh in the day after that IS JUST DUMB....I think I am going to start going back to the Saturday morning classes! BEFORE WE EAT OUT ON SATURDAY NIGHTS!! I mean that makes more sense doesn't it?!?!?

So anyway weighed in today and only lost 2.2 lbs! I was hoping for at least 4 lbs because that would have put me at losing 5% of my body weight and I was wanting that soooooooo bad! But now...I only have to lose 1.2lbs until I reach that. I've lost a grand total of 12.8lbs since I started February 6. I mean 12.8 lbs in 3 weeks is good! But I was hoping to lose the 14 lbs in 3 weeks. Just have to try harder next week!

I really enjoy going to these weight watcher meetings after you weigh in because there are other people there that are going through the same things you are going through and so when you talk about your challenges or the good things like the fact that I LOST A SIZE IN MY JEANS THIS WEEK! I mean they know how hard it is so it's really a BIG DEAL! It's really motivating and it gives you the strength to do this! 

I haven't made the best choices food wise this week. Like Tuesday I went to get Jeff from work for dinner that way he could have the car to come home after work...we decided on a pizza from Pizza Hut. He got his half meat lovers and I just got cheese...FOR 1 PIECE OF THAT PIZZA IT WAS 8 PTS!! For 1 PIECE! I mean that is nuts!!! Then Wednesday night since it was his birthday he wanted to go eat Mexican so we did. I get what I normally do Shrimp Nachos...just the shrimp and cheese. I had to guesstimate again because they do not have a nutrition fact sheet...NOTE TO SELF WHEN WE GO BACK ONLY GET A HALF ORDER INSTEAD OF A FULL ORDER. I mean I only needed a half order anyway and I didn't eat all of the full order.  Then last night...EATING CHEESE FRIES...I don't think I had a serving...BUT THOSE THINGS ARE SO GOOOOOOOOOD! I mean you can't just eat 1!! So I ate like 8! I  know 8 may not be a lot to some of you...but it is to me especially when I shouldn't have eaten them to start with. 

I know what I need to do and I have to do it. Jeff isn't going to be coming home for dinner anymore now that the new shows start tomorrow. He will be doing the 5:30P on FOX, 7P on ABC, 10P on FOX and then the 11P on ABC. So he won't have time to come home for dinner anymore. So this means I will be at home to eat alone. Which is okay because I can actually fix healthy good stuff. And lots of veggies as you all know Jeff does NOT repeat DOES NOT eat vegetables! He eats green beans and potatoes and yes while those are considered vegetables those are also STARCHES! I am really going to miss seeing him for that hour that I usually get with him for dinner break though! :(  It's going to take some getting used to! This past week he only got to come home 2 nights and it killed me! Not seeing him from like 7:30AM some days (when I had classes) until 11:30PM! I was like ahhhhhhhhhhhh! And then him having to work today I just am so upset! I really wanted to cry! I'm like this is the only day that we usually get to spend quality time well Saturdays too..but our Sundays are our lazy days usually! 

So now that I've written a novel....I guess I better wrap it up by saying.... I know 2.2lbs is A LOT. I was just hoping for 4...but looking back and seeing my choices during the week I can see why I didn't lose as much. I never went over my daily point allowance except for last night. So that used some bonus pts but that's okay because I usually don't use those anyway. And I also earned 4 activity points this week by just cleaning the house!



Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week Numero 2!

Just got back from my Weight Watchers meeting! This was the end of week 2 for me! So how many lbs have I lost this week you ask....

 4 lbs even!

Which is a lot but not as much as I was hoping for...but I don't think the weight was accurate because I had to take some meds this morning and had to eat something with the meds so I wouldn't get I had a piece of toast and some orange juice. So I'm just not sure that it was accurate! :( 

But I am definitely excited about losing 4 more lbs...because now my total is 10.6 lbs in 2 WEEKS!

I lost a point this week from my daily now I'm at 33 instead of 34 which I'm actually thankful for because I haven't been able to eat all my points in a day! Which isn't thank you dear lord I lost a point! Ha ha ha ha!!

I was very proud of myself this week....on Wednesday I saw a commercial for Domino's new "recipe" "pizza" and was like I really want to try that! So I go and look it up on my points and figure out that it's like 4 pts per slice which isn't that bad...but who wants to eat JUST ONE SLICE?!?! So instead I found something else here that was a total of 5 points that was actually full of fiber and really good for you! So I turned MY BACK ON TEMPTATION!!!!

Last night we had decided on Chili's for dinner. I had already planned out what I was going to get and had my points calculated! Well we get there and the wait at 7:30 was AN HOUR!! I was like um we were like well lets just go to Cheddars. So we did and we sat down as soon as we walked in. So we get home and I'm trying to figure out my points for that meal....THERE ARE NO NUTRITIONAL FACTS FOR CHEDDARS!! Every website I looked at said they don't have the nutritional information because Cheddar's said they change their recipes all the time and so therefore their nutritional information would change all the time... so I had to guesstimate! And I DON'T LIKE GUESSTIMATING! I was very disappointed!

This week coming up is going to be a very hectic week! Ha ha ha!! I have a BIG....HUGE....MAJOR LAB TEST IN ANATOMY TOMORROW AND HAVE BEEN STUDYING LIKE A MAD WOMAN SINCE OH ALL WEEK! Plus Mr. Cox' birthday is Wednesday! And we still only have 1 FLIPPIN' car! The X-Terra is in the SHOP! <---Finally! It's been in there since last Tuesday! I JUST WANT MY CAR BACK!! This whole having to share 1 car thing is just NUTS!

This weather we have been having this past few days has BEEN DELIGHTFUL!! I've loved every SECOND of it!! I wish it could stay like this!! But Mr. Cox says it's going to get colder this week and it's suppose to rain! :( :( BLAH!!

I am a Spring/Summer GIRL! I ♥ THE SUNSHINE!


Anyway! I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEK THIS WEEK!!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

My First Week! here it goes...I just finished my FIRST week of Weight Watchers and I've lost....


6.6 LBS!!

My goal this week was 5lbs and I did that plus 1!

I have really been counting my points and making sure I'm eating filling foods to last me until the next meal. When she said I had lost that I was like NO WAY!!! I kinda cheated knowing my weight...on Thursday I had to go to the dr and they weighed me there of course and I had lost 4.4 lbs I knew I had lost that...I didn't think I was going to reach the 5lb mark BUT I DID!! I'm so excited! I am being very conscientious of what I eat and when! I have not been eating all my points either much less eating the bonus points we get for the week! I am really excited about weight watchers and can't wait to see what to come the next week(s). I have to have faith in myself before anyone else because if I don't...then why should everyone else? I have had faith this week and kept up with my points and it has paid off!

Today is Valentine's Day and so to reward me (LOL) Jeff is taking me on a LOVELY Valentine's Day Dinner To ShoGun! We ♥♥♥♥♥ Japanese and that in itself is going to be like 20+ pts! Thank goodness I haven't hardly eaten anything today!

Thank You All For Your Continued Prayers and Thoughts To Get Me Through This First Week!!

♥ You Guys!


Monday, February 8, 2010

A Year Ago Today...


A Year Ago Today My Pawpaw Died. It Seems Like Just Yesterday I Got The News...It's Hard Sometimes Ya Know There Will Be Something That Reminds Me Of Him & I Just Want To Pick Up The Phone And Call Him...But I Can't... I Know He's In A Better Place & He's With My Granny & My Uncle Robin & His Mama & Daddy & Brothers...He's Better Off In Heaven...But I Sure Do Miss Him!! ♥ I Still Have A Case Of Sunkist I Got From His House Last Year. It's Sitting Under His Dresser In My Guest Bedroom...That Was Our Drink That And Mello Yello! I'll Never Open It! We Also Used To Eat Tomato Sandwiches For Lunch During The Summer! That's Where I Got My Love Of Tomato Sandwiches From!! When Mom & Dad Were Down Here For New Years Dad Saw It And Asked Me If That Was From Pawpaw's And I Said Yep...I'm Keeping It Right There Under Pawpaw's Dresser! When he died I got his dresser, his kitchen table/chairs and his pie-safe that he loved so much! I cherish all of it! ♥

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Today Is The Day!

Today I started Weight Watchers! I went to the meeting @ 9AM!! I know I GOT UP THAT EARLY TO GO!! Let me just start off by saying that I DIDN'T WEIGH AS MUCH AS I THOUGHT!!! I WAS SO PROUD! I sat through the meeting listening to all the ladies say their accomplishments for the week and their downfalls. It was helpful! Just knowing that someone else is going through what you are going through don't really think it does...but it really does! These ladies were talking to each other before the meeting started about their weight and I was like you know I've never really talked to anyone about it before...I've usually just kept to myself about it. But if you can find a friend in there and someone who will support you that is AWESOME! That way that person is going through it too and when you want to quit or you haven't lost what you wanted and you are feeling sorry for yourself THAT PERSON CAN TALK SOME SENSE INTO YOU! And vice-versa! 

So we calculated my daily points and they are 34! That's a lot! As I start loosing weight those will decrease! I AM HAPPY TO REPORT THAT I HAVE NOT GONE OVER MY POINTS TODAY!!! I'VE HAD 33 POINTS! You also get 35 weekly bonus points that you can spread throughout the week or use them all in one sitting if you go out to eat or for a special occasion but I didn't have to use any today! We went out to eat with some friends to outback and my meal that I had was 19 points. That included a 6oz steak, a baked potato with butter and sour cream and fresh veggies. Normally we would get a small order of cheese fries for an appetizer but WE DIDN'T! I was so proud! I mean I wanted them...but I didn't want to use MY BONUS POINTS!! So we didn't get them!

I know this is only my first day...but I am truly excited about this. I know there are going to be some bumps down the road and some rough days...but you know what...I CAN DO IT! I am a very strong girl and I'M GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS!!!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers I really need them!!! 


Friday, February 5, 2010


I am SUPER excited! I am going to be starting Weight Watchers tomorrow! A friend is starting back to weight watchers and so I asked her about it and it was ON from there! She told me all about it and told me how her experience went when she did it the first time. SHE LOST 80LBS!!! Without her I wouldn't be doing this! She is a great girl and a blessing! I am really excited about this program because you can eat whatever you want you just can't go over your "points" for the day. They give you a set amount of points based on your height, weight, age & activity level.  This sounds like the best program! Because it's not like a "diet" it's a lifestyle and portion change. You can eat what you normally eat you just have to count the points and not go over yours. It's not someone telling you what you can and can't have... and there are 0 point veggies!! I'm eager to learn more tomorrow when I go to the meeting and can't wait to come back and post what I've found out and what I think!!!

Your thoughts and prayers would be great appreciated!!!

Thanks so much! ♥


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mr. Cox Got New Glasses!

So Jeff just got his glasses today! This is a BIG DEAL FOLKS!! The man hasn't worn glasses since his FRESHMAN YEAR IN COLLEGE!!! We are talking 9 YEARS!!! I know!! CRAZY RIGHT!! He has worn contacts for 9 straight years!! It's nuts! I don't know how he hasn't gotten PINK-EYE! I had to seriously talk him into getting these too! I think they are AWESOME and I ♥ THEM!!! He looks so good in them and he looks really good on TV wearing them too!!

Here is a pic I took of him doing the weather tonight on TV....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When it's raining on Tuesday...

Hello Tuesday... 

& of course it's raining! Really don't like these days...I mean they are ok...but they are just gloomy and depressing...

So... before the holidays I was working our religiously and saw improvement...well my family came down for Thanksgiving so I made sure my house was spotless and got this and that and was just SUPER BUSY... on top of that I was working @ GAP. So I slacked off from the working out...CAN I JUST SAY THAT I CAN TELL A BIG DIFFERENCE NOT WORKING OUT!!

I've got to get back into my grove... I really do love working out...there's something about it that makes me happy and afterwards I feel SO GOOD! Jeff's mom and I decided back in September that we were going to work out "together" but long distance... and she's kept up her end of the deal and I feel like a total it's time that I stop the madness and get back to it! Plus I think it will really help me relieve stress from school and what not...

So the fitness center at our apartment is actually great! Because while on the treadmill your view just so happens to be the BEAUTIFUL of course you then think to yourself.... I'VE GOT TO DO THIS SO I CAN LAY OUT!!!! I MEAN SERIOUSLY!! 

And I have to do this for myself! This is the most I've ever weighed and I HATE IT! PLEASE LET ME REPEAT....I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!! SO BRING ON THE TREADMILL AND BRING ON THE HEALTHY LIVING
