Monday, March 29, 2010

It's been a while!

Hello All!!

It's been a while! Almost 2 weeks!! I have just been SUPER busy with school and some events that have happened!

School is just SUPER stressful! I have been trying to register for the Summer & Fall semesters since last week...and I was told last week there were no appts available until the end of this I took it upon myself to go to an advisor today since my A&P lecture & lab were cancelled this am (no one knew until we got there!) And I was told by the advisor that I SHOULDN'T HAVE WAITED THIS LONG TO REGISTER!!!!!!!!! I promptly told her I was told there weren't any appts until the end of this week and how rude the receiptionst was when I called on Thursday. She said "Well we probably were that busy" I mean seriously?!? We probably were??? And you are defending her rudeness? Then I tell her I know what classes I need because I already have my classes planned out until the END! I told her I have to have "these" certain classes in order to apply to the nursing program in the fall. She then tells me that there is no way I will be able to apply for the nursing program in the fall that I haven't taken all the courses. I said I know I haven't taked the courses that's why I am going to take A&PII in the summer and then the rest (Eng 1102, Psych & Micro) in the fall! And she says "Well it looks like you have everything all planned out!" I said yes ma'am I do. Then she says I have to bring my GPA up...DUH! I said I know. I had to withdraw after the withdrawl date back in 2006 because I got very sick and had to go into the hospital and SHE SAYS TO ME...WELL YOU DON'T NEED TO DROP OUT AGAIN! I said well I didn't DROP OUT the first time. It wasn't by choice I had to withdraw! Then she proceeds to tell me there weren't any seats available for A&P II in the summer and I would have to take Micro and just puts me in there! I said I really need/want to take A&PII in the summer because in the fall they are changing the books and the book I have now was $157 USED. She said "Well I can't help that!" She asked me about my phys ed classes and I told her I was planning on taking First Aid & Aerobics and she said "No you should take health. That replaces the phys ed and you should take that!" And puts me in that class for the SUMMER! So right now my summer class schedule looks like this: Health: Tues/Thurs 10AM-11:15AM. then I have Microbiology from 5:30-10:50PM!!!!!!!!!! So needless to say I am watching these classes every single DAY! I'm so over these people! They are rude and they just don't care!

Last Sunday 3/21 we received a call from Jeff's dad at like 10:45PM. I was like something is wrong....he usually goes to bed @ 10! So Jeff answered and come to find out he had taken mom to the ER she was c/o pressure in her chest, SOB, weakness & fatigue. I talked to her and she told me that they had done bloodwork and her results showed elavated enzymes in her heart. (Which means HEART ATTACK). I told her we were going to come up there and she told me to wait to see what the Dr. said and she would call us on Monday morning. So she called around 8AM and said the cardiologist was going to do a heart cath on Tuesday am. So we got ready and headed up there. We were all really worried and upset because she had to have open heart surgery last June! They did a triple bypass. So it hasn't even been a year yet and she's already having heart attacks! They did the heart cath on Tuesday and had to put a stent in. 2 of the 3 bypasses they did were blocked 90-100%. They were able to put the stent in the 90% one but couldn't in the 100% one. He said it wasn't impossible but it was very hard and that they were going to treat it with Plavix and hoped it would help. Of course I started asking all these questions! I've been down this road before. My dad had this done in May of 2002! The cardiologist said "Are you in medicine?" I said yes! I am actually in nursing school. So then he started getting more "technical" and Edwin and Jeff were like huh? But I did ask him if that 100% blockage was going to be a problem in the future and his response was " I hope not!" That made me sick! These blockages were not caused by something she did/did not do! They were caused by scar tissue from the surgery. We were all very glad to hear that. Which I had told her I didn't think it would be caused by something that she had done because there just wasn't enough time for it to "build up" it took them 53 years to build up last year! She got to come home last Wednesday and we came back to Macon that evening too. We are all worried about her as is she. So if you could please say an extra prayer for her!

X-Terra update: We got the engine replaced last week and got it back on Thursday. Drove it all weekend THE AIR CONDITIONING WORKS!!! It hasn't worked in 3-4 YEARS! We were so excited about that!! I was coming home from school today and THE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT CAME ON! So we took it back to the mechanic today and of course it's not the ENGINE. It's the Fuel gauge, O2 sensor, and the NOT(sp?) Sensor. Those will cost $$. He said not fixing them right now will not hurt the car...we may notice a difference in gas milage...and when the gas says 1/4 of tank to fill it up. So....we will get it back tomorrow and wait until we can save the $$$$ to fix all of it! Yeah...I'm over this's one thing after another it seems like!

Weight watchers is still going good! I have not weighed in this week. I am trying to get back on the "Saturday" weigh in and still go to the meetings on Sunday. But because their week is Sun-Sat I have to wait a week and 1/2 almost. I weighed in 3/21 and had lost 1 lb. That is 20.8lbs now! I can't wait to go this Saturday and see what a week 1/2 has done! ;) It seems as though I have inspired some people to join! My Aunt & Nana have joined! My mom and other aunt have started it! My mom has already lost 10.6lbs!!! I'm so proud of her! I'm proud of my aunt too! Who knew I could inspire someone??? I'm really glad we are all doing this TOGETHER! When you are able to talk to others who are doing it too it doesn't seem so hard! :)

Well I must close this little note for tonight! I have to go get Mr. Cox from work! I hope you guys have a GREAT WEEK!!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Anatomy & Physiology

So...obviously I didn't do so well on my 2nd lecture exam today...even though I studied my tail off! STUDIED ON MY SPRING BREAK...STUDIED ALL THIS WEEK...HAD STUDY GROUP....MADE FLASH CARDS....DID EVERY THING! 

I HAVE TO HAVE THIS CLASS IN ORDER TO GET MY NURSING DEGREE! With that said...I know that A&P is difficult....but I honestly think Macon State SETS YOU UP TO FAIL! I mean I love my professor and all...but the information we are given is A LOT and sometimes not IN THE BOOK! A lot of people in my class have taken this course SEVERAL TIMES! I mean is that not CRAZY?!? Yet others that have taken this course elsewhere seem to GET A'S in the course?! Please tell me what is going on here?! 

I would understand getting bad grades if I didn't study or didn't understand the material...but I DO STUDY AND I DO UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL! As a matter of fact...when we reviewed Monday we "played" Jeopardy and MY TEAM WON! So therefore we get 3 or 4 extra points and I WAS THE ONE ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS! Then....comes the test today...and it feels as though I'VE NEVER EVEN SEEN SOME OF THIS CRAP BEFORE IN MY LIFE! 


This is the 1st class that honestly makes me want to BUST OUT CRYING! I mean really??? Should this really be this hard?????? I don't know what I need to do to turn this around and go my way? I mean I get good grades on my quizzes and assignments! I just don't understand this!

Anyone have any suggestions?!?!!?

Right now....I am going to relax and take some deep breaths...and I'M DEFINITELY GETTING A PEDICURE TODAY! MAYBE HIT HAPPY HOUR TOO! :(


Monday, March 15, 2010

Week Number 5!

So this is my 5th week doing weight watchers! So a month and 1 week! I started February 6! much did I lose this week you ask?!?

It seems as though my body likes the TWO'S! LOL

I lost 2.8 more lbs this week. For a grand total of 18.2 since I started February 6! Last week I surpassed my 5% goal and am headed for the 10% now!! I only have like 8 more lbs to go before that happens!! WOOHOO!!

This past week was my spring I cleaned the house REALLY GOOD and kept it clean...did the WAS A SPRING CLEAN FOR REAL! I also did Dad's laundry when he came down! :) I earned MAJOR ACTIVITY POINTS THIS WEEK! You get 35 bonus pts per week already...well between working out and cleaning this house I earned an extra 20 points!!

But...I DIDN'T USE THEM!!!!!!! The thing that I don't think the bonus points hurt you...but I don't necessarily think they HELP you either! So if I don't have to use them I DON'T! I have to lose 1 more lb before I drop another "daily point".

Well...that's all for now...I have to study for an Anatomy Test I have on Wednesday...and I need to start now! :)

Until next time....


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's A Beautiful Morning....

Hello Loves!

  So last night I started my week LONG workout! My new friend/neighbor and I went to the fitness center and worked out! I briskly walked with elevation intervals for 30 minutes! It was great! I was sweating my heart was pumping...we were watching entertainment tonight! Ba ha ha ha! It was so much fun! That 30 minutes went by so fast! We had a blast and plan on doing it again tonight! WORKING OUT WITH SOMEONE IS SO MUCH FUN! I mean the time just goes by A LOT FASTER! The only downfall last night was...when I got back to the apartment I started getting a migraine! Blah!!! I mean the whole eyes were hurting so head honestly felt like it was going to explode! It wasn't good! I was suppose to go get Jeff last night at work...but there was no way I could have driven like that! So sweet Stephanie brought him home!! Thank you so much! I will be so glad when we get our other car back! I miss my car!!!! Anyway...I just wanted to update today and let everyone know...I FINALLY WORKED OUT!! NO MORE EXCUSES!!! :)


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week: 4

 The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. 
- Helen Keller I went to weigh for week 4 and I've lost 2.6 more lbs! A grand total of 15.4 lbs in 4 weeks! I've reached my 5% goal and now I am looking that 10% in the FACE! I'm COMING FOR YA!

So last week I was kinda bummed about only losing 2.2 lbs...but I've really thought about it this week and especially today! 2.2 or 2.6 lbs IS A BIG DEAL TOO! Losing is a BIG DEAL! As long as I'm losing I can't be unhappy! Those 2.2 or 2.6 lbs add up! When I found out I had lost my 5% today I was super EXCITED! That was a goal that I achieved! And now the 10% is a goal and I have to achieve that...I don't like losing...I would say I am a competitive person...especially with this! I am struggled with my weight all my life. I've never been "skinny" by any means...I've been called names and been picked on and treated badly for it and you know that used to upset me but as I've gotten older I can honestly say it doesn't bother me anymore. It's not what I look like to someone else. It's what I look like to myself. If I feel I am beautiful I AM BEAUTIFUL no matter what others may say! IT'S STARTS WITH YOU! 
No one but YOU can define what beauty is for YOU! - Jessica Simpson 

I watched Jessica on Oprah last week and I think she's beautiful. Watching her really made me realize something that I had not realized before even though I've heard it a million times before... YOU HAVE TO START WITH YOU. No one else can determine YOUR BEAUTY FOR YOU! Yes it helps when others point that out to you...but you have to know it inside first!

Being "skinny" isn't everything. You have to be healthy too! So if you are 145 lbs and you are healthy and you love how you look and you think you are beautiful DON'T LET PEOPLE TELL YOU OTHERWISE! Be happy with who you are. 

And let me just talk about weight watchers for a minute. Weight watchers is NOT a diet. Weight watchers is a LIFESTYLE change. It makes you really look at what you are and have been eating. You have to count your points and not go over them. Let me just say that by keeping up with my points it holds me accountable for what I ate that day and if you are writing it down you know what you eat and I've found that some things that I used to eat whenever I wanted to now I don't want because they are too many points and I would much rather have more "good" things that 1 "bad" thing that could cost me 7 pts. It really makes you look at your habits and start picking them apart! You can eat anything you just have to count your points. I've found that since I've joined weight watchers it has made me make better choices...yes there are sometimes you want what you want...such as Friday for example...I wanted some MEXICAN (Shrimp Nachos) SOOOOOO BAD! I was super hungry and I hadn't really had much that day...which is a no no you need to eat all throughout the day so your metabolism doesn't slow down ---> that definitely works AGAINST YOU! So Jeff and I went to El Sombrero and I had my shrimp nachos...but instead of getting a coke...I got water. It's the little things...I don't think that shrimp nachos was the healthiest choice...but I felt that I had done great all week and I had the points to eat I did. And I didn't have anything the rest of the night. Which I didn't need to because it filled me up and I didn't need anything else! 

I have been putting off exercising for a long time now! My first blog was about me starting back working out...well that hasn't happened yet. I think for me I wanted someone to go with me because...well I really don't know why but I want a workout buddy! Well I decided on Friday that since this week I will be on Spring Break THERE ARE NO MORE EXCUSES! I can't have school as an excuse because we will be OUT...I can't have a "no car" excuse because we have a WONDERFUL FITNESS CENTER NO MORE EXCUSES! So Friday I decided I am starting on Monday and will work out all next week! Well last night we have a neighbor that has a dog and I usually see her out walking "Jodie" her dog he's a boy and I was walking Abby...they LOVE each we got to talking and come to find out SHE'S BEEN WANTING TO WORKOUT TOO BUT WASN'T BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T HAVE ANYONE TO DO IT WITH! So we are going to workout next week! You know I thank God for this because even when you think he's not listening HE IS and he BLESSES YOU with some many BLESSINGS!

I am so thankful for Deana Mathes too! She talked to me about WW and told me her story and I wouldn't be where I am this week losing 15.4 lbs if it wasn't for her! THANK YOU SO MUCH!


