Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Onto A New Goal...



So this week I lost 3 lbs!!! Onto a new goal! My new goal is to lose 20%! I know I can do it! Reaching that first 10% was great! It made me feel so good!! I achieved a MAJOR WEIGHT GOAL!! WOOHOO!!

This past weekend we went to Asheville. I really miss it! I really miss seeing Jeff's mom! Abby misses seeing her Mimi & Papa too and their big back yard (that she can run and play and stay out there until she's ready to come in!!) Hopefully we can get back up there soon!! While we were there we went to see Kenny Chesney's Summer In 3D! I LOVED it!  Since he's not touring this year...first time in 17 years...he decided to make a 3D experience of some of his concerts last year and show the fans what it's like from his prospective! It was really neat seeing as how I have never seen a 3D movie before! Ha ha ha ha! Jeff enjoyed it too! I had some tears towards the end...

This week is my last week of classes. Tomorrow is the last day of classes actually! My finals are on Monday and Tuesday! So needless to say I am STUDYING LIKE CRAZY RIGHT NOW! (Well not right now...I'm taking a quick break!) I will be studying all week and WEEKEND!!! A&P is really intense and nuts! Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm ready to have a break! My summer classes don't start until June 2. WOOHOO!! Then June 4 we are headed to ENTERPRISE, AL for BAMAJAM!! Gotta see Mr. Chesney!! He's only doing a few events this year. Not a tour! So Jeff gave me tickets to see him for Valentines Day! I'm so ready! It will have been a year since I saw him last! We saw him last year in Greenville at the BI-LO Center May 21! That was a great concert and a WONDERFUL experience! We were in the sandbar and Kenny held my hand for a minute!! Not to mention I got his set list and one of his picks! SO I AM VERY EXCITED AND LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING HIM!! ♥

I am looking forward to my May! It will be a much needed break!! Not sure what I'm going to do yet since Jeff has May sweeps and we can't really go anywhere! I guess I'll just get tan out by the pool and workout as much as I can! Ba ha ha ha ha! 

Well that's all for now! My study-break is O-V-E-R! Until next week...or actually maybe Friday since I weigh in on Friday's now! TOODLES!


Friday, April 16, 2010

10% Goal!

I've met my 10% goal plus some!!!

I'm super excited today!! I went to weigh in today...I've changed my day again! But I've decided that I really like my weekends and I would like to weigh in on Friday's because I can go anytime between 10-Noon! I am still going to go to the Sunday meetings because I LOVE JANET! She is so sweet and she always makes me feel so good! I can't wait to go this Sunday because I get a KEY CHAIN for meeting my 10%. I was really looking forward to meeting that goal...and then we she said today that I had met my 10% PLUS SOME! I was SUPER excited! I almost wanted to CRY!

I've been noticing that I can't wear any of my clothes anymore....and the NEW jeans I just bought like a month ago ARE TOO BIG! My bathing suits are TOO big! I don't know what I'm going to do!! I have to lay out!! I have to get some sun! LOL

I am so thankful to have so many people supporting me!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU GUYS!!! I ♥ You!

My next goal I'm setting is 20%! It sounds like a lot....but I'll DO IT!!

My GOAL GOAL is 160 lbs... I am setting "mini" goals in-between so that I don't get discouraged when I only lose 1 or 2 lbs. And so it doesn't seem like it will take forever! I want to reach "many" goals to get to the FINAL goal! That way I can look back and say well I met that goal and I met that one and that one and so on!


Until next week....


Saturday, April 3, 2010



So I went to weigh this morning and I AM SUPER EXCITED! I am going to start weighing in on Saturday MORNINGS and going to Sunday's meetings! I was going on Sundays @ 2PM...but I wasn't able to eat anything until after and I just didn't feel that was good or accurate. So I'm going to start going on Saturday mornings @ 8:30 to weigh in! So in order to do that I had to wait from March 21 until today...almost 2 weeks! 13 days! But it was a GREAT WEIGH IN......


4.2 LBS! For a grand total of 23.4 lbs!!!!

I was am so EXCITED! This week I've been able to get in clothes I haven't been able to get in for at least 2-3 years!!! My favorite "HOLE-Y" JEANS!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

I've really starting noticing a difference in my face in pictures too! :)
I just want to thank everyone for cheering me on!! It means so much and I'm so glad to have such GREAT FAMILY AND FRIENDS!! Every time I hear someone say "I'm so proud of you!" I honestly want to cry! I mean who know I could do this? I mean I knew I could do it but who knew it would mean so much?? Well....it DOES AND I'M SO THANKFUL!!!

Thank you all SO MUCH!! I ♥ YOU GUYS!!!

I hope EVERYONE HAS A HAPPY EASTER & remember what Easter is all about!

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
John 11:25-26
