Saturday, March 19, 2011

On the RIGHT path!

Last night God showed me that I was put here to be a nurse and help people at one of the worst times in their lives. Jeff and I were going to get something to eat and weren’t even going to Riverside but somehow we wound up on Riverside anyway. We came up on a horrific motorcycle accident. It was a husband and wife & they were both very badly hurt. The wife had a BAD BAD BAD head injury. I told Jeff to STOP THE CAR and before the car even stopped - I didn't even think I just jumped out of the car & ran to their sides. I kept telling them help was coming and told them not to move. The husband was alert and talking but the wife wasn’t. I kept trying to get her name and just tried to get her to talk to me but she couldn’t. At that point I knew it wasn’t good. I have never seen that much blood in my life. When the medics got there they tried to get her on the board and I’m guessing she had a back/neck injury as well because the minute they moved her to get her on the board she started screaming and fighting them. They asked me to hold her legs and try to keep her still and I did. The Lord was definitely there with us last night. As I look back on it today I seriously wasn’t thinking at all. I just jumped in and started doing what the Lord told me to do. I’ve always wondered if I were ever put in a situation like that what I would do- well now I know. I am glad to know that when it mattered the most I wasn’t scared or worried; I just jumped right in and did everything I could. I do know that I want to be on the other end of this though. I want to be taking care of them in the hospital/ER rather than in an ambulance because they just try to stabilize them. They can’t really ‘help’ them. I really pray that that lady and her husband are ok!  It’s things like things like this that puts things into perspectives for us!

Life is precious make sure to let your loved one's know how much you love them!

♥ kc

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Week = New Weight & New Things! ;)

Alright alright alright! 

I just love hearing Matthew McConaughey say that!! :D

It's been ANOTHER week!! Yaaaaay!! Another week means another weigh in! I went this AM and I lost another POUND!  For a total of 91.6lbs WOOHOO!! So excited! Especially after eating out last night! These last 37 lbs are KILLING me though!! I mean coming off so darn SLOWLY!! Geez LOUISE! I am gonna get there though!! I have a GOAL AND I WILL REACH IT!! 

This week has been really good! I haven't gone over my points at all! Yesterday and today I was able to LAY OUT IN THE SUN SUN SUN and boy did I shed some POUNDS I think!! ONE SWEAT DROP AT A TIME! LOL Today was definitely HOTTER than yesterday! I'm LOVING it though! I'm ready to have some COLOR back!! FOR REAL! :D

Tonight Jeff and I are going to see Joe Nichols and I can't wait!! He is one of my FAVS!! One of my favorite songs by him is "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Then Jeff and I have a favorite because this song particular song reminds him of me- "Gimme That Girl"! "Gimme that girl with her hair in a mess, sleepy little smile with her head on my chest, that's the you that I like best- gimme that girl! I also have more favorites by him- I mean I really don't think there is song that he has that I don't like?! Anyway I'm super excited!! AND I'M EVEN MORE EXCITED THAT MR. COX IS COMING WITH ME!! FINALLY!!! A BIG THANKS TO TYLER for covering the 10 & 11 for him so he can come with me!! 

Cherry Blossom 2011 HAS ARRIVED! We got to go to the media preview last night and Jeff actually did live shots for the 5, 5:30 & 7 PM shows and I tagged along! I think my favorite part was the TIGERS, LION & LIGER!! I've seen all the rides blah blah blah but those Tigers are fascinating to me! I seriously stood there for at least an hour just watching them and talking to them! And the LIGER! That was something! I've never seen that in real life before and it was pretty COOL!! So...I strongly urge you to check out the Cherry Blossom festival JUST FOR THE TIGER, LION AND LIGER SHOW!! SUPER AWESOME! 

Well that's all for now....until next time! ;) 

♥ kc

Friday, March 11, 2011



It's is indeed another FRIDAY! Which means another weigh in! I have had some ups and downs this week in that department. Some days I did GREAT some days well....NOT SO GREAT! Hahaha! We ALL have those days but this week seemed really challenging to say the least! There were days that I was just absolutely so HUNGRY that I could have eaten the house! Horrible I KNOW! But thanks to our wonderful LORD, I did NOT eat the house! Hahahaha. So with that being said, how did today's weigh in go????

I lost 1.4 lbs! YAY! For a GRAND TOTAL OF  90.6 LBS!

I am really excited about it! Especially after gaining .4lbs last week- which I think was water weight because when I got home and even the next morning after eating MEXICAN I had lost instead of gain....oh well what Weight Watchers scale says GOES.... 

This last month well these last couple of months have been rather hard. I think I hit a plateau! Jeff and I were working out like crazy and I WAS GAINING WEIGHT! I know it was muscle and I know muscle weighs more than fat but still to see that NUMBER GO UP made me want to THROW UP! As I get closer and closer to my GOAL weight it is getting HARDER AND HARDER! Which I knew it would so I'm not getting discouraged!

I am EXTREMELY ready for the weather to be warm so I can start jogging OUTSIDE again! I HATE being cooped up inside! I hate running on a treadmill! I like the elliptical but I LOVE BEING OUTSIDE MORE! I'm also ready for it to be warm out so I CAN START SWEATING THE POUNDS AWAY AT THE POOL! ;) Hahahaha! I need some SUN B-A-D! Anyone who knows me knows I DO NOT LIKE BEING "PASTY"!!!! I like to have COLOR! 

This week has been my SPRING BREAK but the weather hasn't been so great so I've stayed pretty much inside or ran errands or get this....SCHOOL WORK! Crazy sounding right??? Guess I'm just SUPER DEDICATED! :) Mine as well since I have to be inside! :) I actually REALLY enjoy my classes especially CLINICAL CALCULATIONS! It really intrigues me and I LOVE IT! Especially since I'm going to be doing everything I am learning in this class! LOVE IT!

Today I went out and about just "window shopping" basically! Went to Target and Old Navy and PetSmart for Abs! While at Old Navy I found some BIG BLACK SUNGLASSES TO MATCH MY WHITE ONES! I ♥ BIG SUNGLASSES!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE'EM! So now all I need are some BROWN ONES! Which they have at OLD NAVY! So maybe in a few weeks I can go get them! They were only $10! I sent a pic of them to my mama and she said they looked like BUG EYES! Bahahahaha that cracked me up! Maybe they do....but I ♥ THEM!  :) 

This week has been alright...just wish the weather would have been a little better- so I could have enjoyed my SPRING BREAK! Oh well classes end April 27 not too far away! I'm SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THAT! Hahahaha I've been going non-stop since January of last year! I did SPRING, SUMMER AND FALL AND NOW SPRING! I think I need a break! I would take a summer class if I could just take 1 but since I have financial aid I have to take at least 6 credit hours and that was CRAZY last summer! So...I'm going to sit this summer out! BRING ON SUMMER!!

Well...that's about all for now! Until next time....

♥ kc

Friday, March 4, 2011

4 Months....REALLY?

Has it really been 4 MONTHS??? Wow! Once you don't update for a few weeks and you seriously lose track of time I guess MONTHS really do go right on by!

So what has been going on these past 4 months?? A LOT! HAH! 

Let's see we had Thanksgiving, Christmas, we are now in a BRAND NEW YEAR and we've had Valentine's Day & Mr. Cox's 28th BIRTHDAY! Yeah that's A LOT!

Everyone will be please to know that I DID NOT GAIN ANY POUNDAGE DURING THE HOLIDAYS! I was SUPER PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THAT! I mean SUPER SUPER PROUD! I watched what I ate and made sure I only ate when I was hungry and only had the portions I needed...NEEDED NOT WANTED! Weight Watchers teaches you that! We all know there is a BIG difference in NEED & WANT! Weight Watchers helps you get that under control! 

I will say that as I get closer and closer to my GOAL weight it is becoming a little harder and I am actually fluctuating! Like last week I lost 4 lbs and when I weighed today I had gained .4 lbs. It is very hard to understand for sure! Also, there for a while when I was working out religiously and working out hard I would gain a lb or two! One week I even gained 3 lbs! Of course we all know that muscle weighs more than fat but at the same time YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THOSE NUMBERS GO UP! I am proud to say even when I gained those pounds I have not been back at 200 or above it! We all hit plateaus and we must work harder to break through them! 

Right now I have lost 89.2 lbs since February 6, 2010! I have 39.6 lbs to go! I'M GOING TO GET THERE! FO' SHO!

How about school?? This semester I am taking 2 online classes and a second session class on campus! My 2 online classes are Clinical Calculations and Medical Terminology and this second session class I am taking is Perspectives on Prime Time TV. I am doing great so far! I actually just started the second session class Wednesday! It seems very interesting! I have decided not to take summer classes! I have been going non-stop since last January and I honestly thought those summer classes were going to KILL me last summer! Since I have financial aid I must take at least 6 credit hours so it's not like I can just take Chemistry and put all my time into that and just focus on Chem. I would have to take another 2 credit hour class at least! I also just need some time to recoup and rejuvenate myself! I have applied to the nursing program for the fall semester and should hear something in April! I have also decided that if I don't get in this time I am going to apply to Gordon College which is about 30-35 minutes north of us but that would be for the Spring 2012 semester which would set me back another semester! But hey...what can I do! I've got to roll with the punches! Seems like that's all I ever do anyway so I must be good at it! Haha

Jeff and I are doing amazing! We are just living life to the fullest and enjoying each and every day! Abby is doing marvelous too! We are all excited to see the WARMER weather! I'm ready to get my TAN on for real! LOL 

Well that's all for now the rest of the LAUNDRY is calling my name! Until next week....

♥ kc