Friday, May 21, 2010

Week # 15

IT'S FRIDAY!!! And you know what that means....why yes it's the weekend...but what else?! Another weigh-in! Woohoo!!

I went to weigh in this morning and I've lost 2.4 more lbs. WOOHOO! I was hoping for a little more seeing as how I've walked every day this week except Wednesday...and I should have walked then...but I didn't. But 2.4 is AWESOME!!!! 

This week has gone by rather quickly...and so has my MAY! In 1 week and 5 days I START MY SUMMER CLASS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm ready to get it OVER with though! It's going to be rough though! But I HAVE TO PULL THROUGH IT!! :) 

Next Thursday is our 4 YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!! Wow!! Wow!!! Wow!!!! I can't believe it's been 4 YEARS ALREADY!!! It seems like just yesterday!!! Wow!! I'm just so flabbergasted that it's been 4 years and to think that next year will be 5 YEARS!!! Holy COW!!! These past 4 years have been nothing but amazing! We've gone through so much together!!! He is my ROCK and is always there no matter what and I'm so grateful that God brought him into my life 9 years ago!!!! YEP!! 9 years ago! He's been my BEST FRIEND FOR 9 YEARS!!!! Someone I could always tell everything...and I MEAN EVERYTHING to! Someone who always listens to me whether I'm venting...crying...LAUGHING...he's always there!! I can't wait to see where the next 4 YEARS will take us!! Let's see...that will be 2014 and I'll be 27 and he'll be 31 (BA HA HA HA HA) and I'm sure there will be a "little Jeff or Kacey" running around!!! Who knows where we will be with Jeff's career!  LET'S PRAY THAT WE ARE BACK HOME IN ASHEVILLE, NC!!! :) I'm eager to see what God has planned for us in the next 4 years!! ♥

Well it looks like today is going to be a RAINY no POOL today...I guess I can catch up on some shows...and piddle around! Spend some time with my sweet baby Abby!! I hope everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend! 

Until next week....


Friday, May 14, 2010

Another Week Gone By...How Many Pounds?!?

Heller heller!!

So...another week has past and yet another weigh in!!

How much did I lose this past week?!?!?!? 

1... 2... 3 more lbs!! Hallaluyer!!

I've reached the 40 lb mark!! WOOHOO!!!!! I'm so HAPPY ABOUT THIS! I just can't believe this is really happening!!! It's so hard for me to believe!! And I know I've lost that much but yet when I see myself in the mirror I see the "same" me?!?! And I know I'm losing and have lost because I can't wear the clothes I was wearing before the weight loss! I'm wearing clothes I haven't been able to wear in 5 years! My bathing suits are TOO big...I can wear shorts that I wore in high school! I mean so I know I'm losing but when I see myself in the mirror or in recent pictures I can't really tell?!? I mean I still look like me! Ha ha ha ha! I know that's silly but seriously...I see me...I really can't wait to see what the next 40lbs look like!!

This week has been VERY RELAXING!! I've gone to the pool every day except Tuesday....and I've also walked every day but today! :) I got a little red on my back laying out today and really needed to "cool" it off! So I didn't walk tonight and get all sweaty because that would have BURNED!!! But I've been very serious about it this week! I even made Jeff walk with me on Sunday night and it was SOOOOOOOOOOO nice out! We walked about 9:45PM and it was cool out of course after the 1st lap he wanted to go in...and I was like and he didn't the same thing after the 2nd lap! I was like look...I am doing this so if you want to go in...go ahead Abby and I will keep going! He stuck with me and I was very happy he did! Abby of course SLEPT very good that night! I've taken her with me 3 nights this week too and she has SLEPT very very GOOD!! She loves going on walks and she also goes potty like A MILLION TIMES!! Sometimes I think she STORES HER PEE IN A DIFFERENT camels store their water!!! Ba ha ha ha ha!!

Any who...this week has been great! Can't wait to see what next week holds! :) Hopefully more relaxation and tanning...and of course WALKING SOME LBS OFF! :) I hope everyone has had a great week!! It's FRIDAY AND IT'S THE WEEKEND!!! WOOHOO!!!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Getting Closer & Closer!

Heller Heller!

So... I went to weigh in this morning and I have lost



WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I feel great!! Last night Mamie and I walked around our WHOLE complex (which I didn't know was so HUGE) for like an hour!! It was actually fun!! I mean we normally go to the fitness center but we wanted to do something different and we are so glad we did! Walking on a treadmill is WAAAAAAY different than walking outside with the birds singing and the sun going down and other people walking and we can actually walk and talk and actually HEAR each other rather than feeling like we are being TOO loud in the fitness center!! Ha ha ha!! It was awesome and we are going to do it again tonight!! :) Plus it was a bit humid and WE WORKED UP A SWEAT!! The more you sweat the MORE LBS YOU LOSE!! Ba ha ha ha ha ha!!

I just want to thank everyone again for believing in me and continuing to support me through my WEIGHT LOSS journey! Hearing you guys say how proud you are and how great I'm looking makes me feel so good and makes me want to GET IT DONE!! So thank you so much!!! I ♥ YOU GUYS!!!

Until next week.... ♥HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY♥


Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Semester Back In College - COMPLETE! first semester back in COLLEGE IS COMPLETE! It was a SUCCESS!! I only took 2 classes this semester, Anatomy & Physiology and Math Modeling. I only took two classes because of A&P. I knew I would need to dedicate ALL my time and I mean ALL my time to it so I needed something fairly easy to go with I took math modeling and came out with an A! Woohoo!! I really needed that seeing as how I knew I would most likely be getting a C in Anatomy! That has boosted my GPA MAJORLY! Upon entering this semester my GPA was a .95. The reason it was so low is because back in 2006 I had my tonsils removed in April. I missed 2 weeks and my profs knew about it and said they would work with me. Well after my tonsils it all went down hill. I got very sick and was vomiting blood every day! Made several trips to the ER for them to tell me it was just gastritis. I couldn't go to school like that and was told by the doctors not to so I emailed my profs and they said there was nothing they could do so therefore I got all F's for 3 classes because this all happened after the withdrawal date. Then it came time for our wedding and everything seemed to be okay. Got through the wedding and honeymoon without being sick. When we got home after a couple of weeks it started again. Went through the whole summer in/out of the ER with them just saying it was gastritis. After 5 months of dealing with this they finally sent me to a gastroenterologist and he scheduled an endoscopy. That showed I had several bleeding ulcers and was in the hospital for several days! Back to my story...that's why my GPA was so LOW!

My first semester back in college was okay! I knew A&P would be hard and I would seriously have to do everything to pass it! I had a great professor who helped me with anything I needed help with and was there to help me pass! She was AH-MAZING and I'm so glad I had her! Math modeling was great too. I thought I would have some trouble with that seeing as how I haven't done that kind of math in 4 YEARS! (Completed some of it in Spring of 2006) Ba ha ha ha! But it was great and the professor made it rather easy to understand! I came out of there with an A!!! I am SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT!!! 

A++++ & C++++

So first semester back I got an A in Math Modeling and a C in A&P which has brought my GPA to a 2.0!!!! I know some people are like really? Is she really excited about a C for her GPA?!? Why yes I am!! Considering it was a .95 when the semester started and now it's a 2.0!! I am going to strive to do the best I CAN! I am going to bring that 2.0 up too! 

So what am I going to do for my summer you ask? Well I'M TAKING ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 2 (hopefully if I can get into the class! If not I will be taking Microbiology!) starting June 2. The summer semester goes from June 2 - Aug 3 <--- That is when finals are. So I actually have the whole month of May off and I'M SUPER EXCITED! I am going to tan as much as possible and...... WORKOUT as much as possible! My workout buddy has been hounding me these last couple of weeks...but I was seriously studying like you wouldn't believe! I didn't even get to go to a "get together" for one of Jeff's co-workers who is getting married's okay because I am so glad I PASSED A&P and can MOVE ON! I'm keeping my eye on the prize and getting closer and closer to it EVERY SINGLE DAY! 

About my weight loss! I promised I would blog last Friday but after I got home I started studying and didn't stop! LOL Last week I lost 3 more lbs! WOOHOO!!!!! I am still so excited about Weight Watchers! It's not a diet it's a lifestyle change and it is changing my life more and more everyday! I've been weighing in on Friday mornings and let me just say that I ♥ IT! I don't have to get up SUPER early and it's in the morning so it's more accurate that weighing in at 2 PM! I still attend Sunday's meetings though because I ♥ Janet and all the girls that go to that meeting! Weight Watchers is AH-MAZING!

Mother's day is on Sunday! We are going to my dad's Sunday. Mom, Adam & my older brother Daniel are going to be at dad's and we are going up there for the day to spend time with them! This will be the first mother's day I've gotten to spend with my mom in I believe 3 years! So I'm super excited and mom is super excited!! We are just all EXCITED! Ha ha ha ha ha! 

Well I guess that's about all for now! ♥
