Friday, August 27, 2010

This Week!

Good Evening Frands!

This week has been really just blah! I had to go to the ER Tuesday night because I'm pretty sure I have a KIDNEY infection and apparently I go to the hospital that doesn't really care! I wasn't able to give them a full urine sample...I mean not even enough they could test and the doctor comes back and says...well your urinalysis says you don't have an infection but that doesn't mean that you don't! He ASKED ME IF I WANTED ANTIBIOTICS! I'm BECAUSE I KNOW SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT! It isn't normal for your upper back around your KIDNEYS TO BE IN SUCH PAIN AND BURNING WHEN I PEE! I mean seriously??? On top of all that I threw up 3 times in the ER! Every time my back would hurt (felt like someone was stabbing me) I hurled! So Jeff was like can we please give her something she is throwing up! The doctor said...she threw up here?? NO YOU IDIOT I THREW UP AT HOME! Ugh.... so he gave me a shot of Pheregren and sent me on my way! I am still not better! But I've got these new more potent antibiotics and I'm going to let them hopefully do their thing!

As for this week's update on THE POUNDAGE...

I lost 1.2 lbs! I was hoping I would lost more but then again 1.2 lbs is A LOT! This lady at weight watchers put it into perspective for me...she said just think of what 1 lb of hamburger meat at the grocery store looks like! I didn't think of it like that...I mean that pound of hamburger meat is A LOT! So that made me feel a little better! :) 

School is going good! More to come about that! ;)

Well that is all for now! I've got to finish doing some laundry so we don't have to do it this weekend and WE CAN HAVE SOME US TIME!!! YAY!!  


Until next week....

♥ kc

Monday, August 23, 2010

I ♥ This Quote I Stummbled Across!

Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value.  Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you.  There is only one alternative - self-value.  If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved.  You will always think it's a mistake or luck.  Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within.  Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences.  Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security.  Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them.  ~Jennifer James

Friday, August 20, 2010

Back To The Routine!

Heller Frands!

So last week wasn't the best week for me! I didn't make the best choices last week when it came to eating! And it showed with only losing 1.4 lbs! I say only but I LOST! So that made me very happy! But not as happy as this week! 

This week I am back on my routine! :) School...eating....AB LOUNGER!

This week I lost 2.4 lbs! Yay! So total so far I've lost 65.2 lbs! 

School is good so far! I started back on Tuesday!  I'm taking Microbiology, English 1102 and Health (Online). I was very scared about Microbiology but it looks and sounds SUPER INTERESTING! I am very excited to learn about infectious diseases! Something I am going to use in my career!!! English 1102 just makes me nervous all around! ;) I don't like writing papers! Ha ha ha ha!  But I've got to DO IT! My online health class seems like it's going to be great too!! This is my last semester of core classes! I've applied to the nursing program to start in the spring. I should hear something soon! 

We are going to TYBEE tomorrow with some friends and I'M SUPER EXCITED! I think we are going to have a GREAT, FUN & FABULOUS TIME!! WOOHOO!!!!



I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Until next week...

♥ kc

Friday, August 13, 2010

Minor Speed Bump (To Me At Least!)

Another week has gone by. Actually 2! I wasn’t able to weigh in last week because we went to Asheville last Thursday night…really Friday at midnight and I couldn’t weigh in last Friday. Of course that weekend was blown! LOL I mean we had so many good things…I was cautious about most things but others not so much. Then this week has been not so great either! I could have made better decisions! I should’ve made better decisions! Yep! I should’ve! I say all that to say that I lost 1.4lbs this week. I know that it’s great that I lost…but I’m very disappointed in myself for the choices I made! But…life is about making the choices and living with them and MAKING BETTER CHOICES THE NEXT TIME! I think not being on a schedule really this week has had A LOT to do with it! I’m kinda THANKFUL I will be starting my routine back next Tuesday!

There are exactly 6 WEEKS until my BIRTHDAY!!! I’m super super super excited!! Because that means that there is only 7 weeks and 2 days until our CRUISE!!! HALLALUYER!!!

Anyway…I know this is short…but that’s all I can think of for now! Plus…I MUST enjoy my days before I start back next Tuesday!!

Until next week…
♥ kc