Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Year Changes Everything!

Hey Frands!

I can't believe it's been a WHOLE year since I last blogged! That is absolutely nuts! So what has happened in a year you ask?!

Well the BIGGEST thing if you don't already know... JEFF & I ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS! We are patiently awaiting our SWEET LITTLE BUNDLE!! He or She is due March 31, 2013! Right now we are 16 weeks and 3 days! We HOPE to find out what Baby Cox is next Friday with Mimi & Papa!! Of course I THINK IT'S A GIRL not just because I want a girl but for various reasons....of course DADDY THINKS IT'S A BOY!! Obviously because he wants a little SLUGGER! Hahahaha 

Here's Baby Cox just chillin' and blowing bubbles!
Jeff is still WORKING HARD at WGXA as the Chiefy!! :) 

I am still WORKING HARD at school! Finishing my core for my BSN! 

Abby is doing great! We really don't know if she realizes she's going to be A BIG SISTER or not! We keep talking to her about it and she visits the Baby's room often. We haven't gotten the room ready yet but that's where we are storing all the baby's NEW stuff and she just goes in there and sniffs! I have noticed she is very "clingy" to me. She usually is beside me wherever I go lately! So I think she knows something is going on! We are going to involve her in everything so she feels apart of it! Which she should! She IS!! She's the BIG SISTER!! 

Well that's all for now! I've been at this whole 'UPDATING' my blog thing for waaaaaaay to long! LAUNDRY IS CALLING MY NAME! 
Ta ta for now!

♥ kc

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